You cannot claim to have an

inclusive workplace culture without

addressing domestic violence.

Jennifer Gardella, PhD

Domestic Violence Trainer
Advocate ~ Author ~ Survivor


I believe that awareness and education, lead to  empowerment and growth.

The Program

  • Explain the three ways domestic violence impacts your employees
  • Learn the 10 types of abuse (far beyond physical abuse)  
  • Identify the signs and how to listen for abuse
  • Explain barriers to leaving an abuser and support needed


The Outcomes

  • Awareness of the many forms of abuse beyond physical
  • Empowered to listen and act
  • Able to craft solutions
  • Understand and knock down barriers

Your Team Needs Domestic Violence Awareness Training

Domestic Violence impacts every aspect of your business, and steals 1-3% of your bottom line.  

It isn’t just about a victim who comes to work with a black eye or a broken arm (again).

Its about…

Karen, who on her ride to work every day listens to her sister cry about how she is treated by her husband.

It is about Sally who is going through a divorce and is scared to death that her wife is waiting for her in the parking garage.

Its about Mark whose partner calls the office 50 times a day and screams at him at home.

Or Peter, who answers your phone and hears from a client/customer “I’m a victim and need help.”

 Karen, Sally, Mark and Peter…they don’t know to do.

They aren’t productive at work (and they aren’t proud of that).

They are annoying the staff with their lateness, days off from work, and inability to focus.

And Peter who has no idea how to support your customer.  

Karen, Sally and Mark, Peter…they are scared to share with anyone for fear of judgement.  They are unsure if your team will support them.  


Watch Jen’s Ted Talk

On April 4, 2017 Jennifer was honored to travel back to her Alma Mater, Fordham University and present her Ted Talk titled “How to Create Peace in Your Divorce.”  Watch here as Jen explains how she treasured the peaceful co-parenting relationship with her ex-husband John and how it is her great honor to carry forward his memory for their three daughters.